About us

Welcome to my page. I’m excited that you want to educate yourself further through our page and hopefully, gain motivation to reach your goals.

Who am I?

My name is Simon and this is my website. I have always had an interest in sport from when I could run. I starting off playing football, then transitioned into rugby and followed by athletics. These sports are where I gained my motivation to study sports and exercise science at Cardiff Metropolitan University. This lead to me graduating with a 2:1 degree in sports science. Through my studies, I learned a huge amount about sports and lifestyle nutrition, strength and conditioning as well as extending my own knowledge on sporting supplements such as creatine, protein powder and many others.

About this website? 

This website is an extension of my social media accounts where I updated frequently. Here, I provide more in depth analysis of each subject. I would also love this website to be hub for people to gain knowledge as well as grow their interest in other supplements, products or accessories. In addition, I will be doing reviews of products to help people further their knowledge about strength and condition as well as the diet and supplementation to support this. 

What to expect for the future?

I am really keen to learning about new trends, products and supplements in the fitness world. If you have anything that you would like me to cover in my posts or you would like me to review your supplements, training style or diet don’t hesitate to contact me at info@fitnesscritique.com or message me from my Instagram. My dms are always open and I will get back to you as soon as I can

I hope you enjoy
